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David Scott

FLJ November Update

A few of us had a chat last week to go through all the upcoming events for the club, so we could coordinate

I’ve put together a list below, and some suggestions for where help might be needed

Thursday 7th November 7pm

C25k Graduation dinner at Ooters.

C25k Leaders and others encouraged to attend. But given the lower numbers there won’t be a raffle at this event

Sunday 17th November

Volunteers needed to help at the Charlie House Santa run on Union Street. Needed from 4.30ish, for a 5.25pm start.

Saturday 14th December

Social drinks at Ooters - details to follow, but may include a raffle on the night.

Sunday 15th December

Aberdeen Santa Run @ 10.30am

Volunteers needed to set up (from 7am) and marshal (from 8.30am) Also sign up to run!

Sunday 15th December

Beach front litter pick @ 11.30am

Following the Santa run, Sophie will lead a litter pick along the beach and Santa run route

Wednesday 18th December

Prosecco Run and Awards Night

Usual 7pm start. 3 x volunteers needed to host. Help needed in deciding the awards before end of November.

Saturday 21st December

Saturday Social lunch

Saturday 28th December

Brewdog Christmas Run

Volunteers needed for registration, checkpoints and finish line

Monday 6th January 2025

New Couch to 5k session starts

January 2025

Leader First Aid training

We will organise another first aid training day for new leaders or those who’s certificate has expired Let us know if you would be interested

Saturday 1st February

FLJ ceilidh - Ruthriston West hall Club fundraising raffle planned Save the date

February 2025

Defib training session at Ooters Date to be confirmed

March 2025

Cyrenians foodbank run

Saturday 26th April 2025

Run Balmoral 5k & 10k

We intend to hold quarterly planning meetings every 3 months just to try and coordinate and plan things better. We don’t want to end up with clashes, or too many things happening at once, so we can do our best to keep the club #asone . If you want to suggest additional events then please let us know.


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