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Letter from David

David Scott

Hello FLJs, hope you are all doing well

Following on from last week's zoom meeting where I volunteered to take on the correspondence to David who is sponsored by the club through the


David Scott passed on this letter which was just received at the weekend from David.

What I suggested to David S, was that we could do a letter with some introductions in it and for that I need your help. Would some of you like to either note it on this post or ping me a message with a paragraph or 2 of an introduction about yourself and maybe why you run with the FLJs and what you do and possibly a photo with FLJs colours on. I can then get all these together in one letter and get it sent on.

I'll also check with Myles Edwards to see if we are allowed to send anything as I send stuff from time to time to my sponsorchild. I've been having a think and if anyone had a spare FLJ buff, we could send one of them out to him along with a notepad and pencils/pens and some sweets (as a wee treat).

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sponsorship of David, having been out to Kenya in 2017 with the Foundation and helped build houses it is such a worthwhile experience and the kids are absolutely delighted when they do get a sponsor.

I know the trip year has had to be postponed, but they are planning one for next year and usually if you sponsor a child, Myles and Gideon will do everything that they can to ensure you meet your sponsor as it gels the relationship for both parties, so if anyone has any questions about the trip, feel free to ask me, it truly is a life changing experience and one that you will never forget


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